Leviton ODS0D-TDG Dual-Relay Decora Wall Switch Passive Infrared (PIR) Occupancy Sensor - Gray
Price: $86.26
- Auto-on or Manual-on for First Relay, Manual-on for Second Relay - SP-Dual Circuit - 180 Degree - 2100 Sq. Ft. Coverage - Decora Passive Infrared Wall Switch Occupancy Sensor - Commercial Grade - Gray - California Title 24 Compliant |
The ODS0D-TD provides automatic switching of two separate lighting loads from a single unit. It is compatible with incandescent, fluorescent and low-voltage lighting. The unit features dual manualoverride switches that can be used to toggle the ON/OFF status of each lighting load while an area is occupied. The ODS0D-TD can be installed in place of two single-pole wall switches and fits in a standard single-gang wall box. The unit requires a ground connection for proper operation. The sensor has an adjustable 30 minute time-delay setting for the first relay and second relay. To comply with California Energy Commission’s Title 24, the second relay is a manual ON only. The ODS0D-TD uses passive infrared (PIR) detection technology to monitor a room for occupancy through a segmented Fresnel lens. This specialized lens divides the field of view into sensor zones. When a person passes into or out of a sensor zone, the sensor detects motion and switches two separate lighting loads ON. The lights will remain ON as long as there is an occupant moving through the sensor zones. A delayed-OFF time adjustment prevents the lights from switching OFF when the space is occupied. In order to keep the lights ON, a person must pass through a sensor zone at least once during the selected delayed-OFF time interval. A self-adjusting delayed-OFF time feature compensates for real-time occupancy patterns to prevent unnecessary ON/OFF switching. An LED indicator blinks each time the unit detects activity in the sensor zones. When the space being monitored by the sensor is unoccupied for the length of the delayed-OFF time interval, the unit will beep 3 times. Ten seconds after the last warning beep, the unit will switch the lights OFF. |